Sunday, February 8, 2009


You tube has so many amazing things to view. Some of them may be just for fun, but others can be used as a fun way to learn. You can learn how to do the latest dance move so that you are ready to impress your friends at the dance, or you may be having trouble trying to figure out how to do a simple everyday task. This could be anything from frying an egg to doing your laundry properly. Above I have what I think is a very useful video on how to unshrink your t-shirts. (You never know when you are going to accidentally shrink your favorite shirt.)Youtube can be very helpful with academic material as well. Maybe you are just not understanding what your text book is talking about. You can't picture what the setting possibly could have looked like when the pyramids were being built. Well, you can always go on Youtube and see if it has a helpful clip that will help you to visualize what it is you are trying to learn. I have posted what I think is a really interesting video on how the pyramids were built. I think this process is fascinating, but it is a hard topic to comprehend. It is also nice sometimes to hear the words being said while watching a video because that helps you to understand the material even further. There is also a really creative video on the mummification process done with clay people. (That is a mix of fun and education.) Watching videos like these can really help you burn that information into your brain.

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